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","Flash games"); DrawMenuItem("","PR2-compatible robot running ROS
","PR Lite"); DrawMenuItem("","AHS Robotics Club's competition entry
","RoboMagellan"); DrawMenuItem("/rts","open source RTS; latest version " + rtsver + "
","Afdarts"); DrawMenuItem("","my ORTS Game AI competition entry
","AI competition"); // DrawMenuItem("/shootcity.htm","open source side-scrolling shooter; latest version 1.00

"); document.write("

\n"); DrawMenuItem("","robot videos","robots"); DrawMenuItem("","computer game videos","computer games"); DrawMenuItem("","at school variety shows","magic shows"); DrawMenuItem("","videos not in the other categories","other videos","

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");*/ document.write("

\n"); DrawMenuItem("","for those who find it useful","resume"); DrawMenuItem("/catchp.htm","which unfortunately has some problems","catch logic problem"); DrawMenuItem("","to websites I do not own","external links"); DrawEmai1(); document.write("

\n"); //document.write("

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Visit my new website!

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\n"; dstr += "
\n"; dstr += "
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